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Re–Induction Documents

Re–Induction Documents

As we return to work in Church House/the Library on a phased basis during the Transition Phase of the RCB Return to Work Safely Strategy, we will find a different environment. Physical changes have been made – Plexiglass screens in open areas; one–way systems; additional hand–sanitising facilities and other sanitation supplies.

Changes will also be required in our behaviour and how we go about our day–to–day work – the wearing of masks in public areas; keeping 2m distance from our colleagues; the cleaning and sanitising of our hands and workstations on arrival To work and at regular intervals during the day.

There will also be changes to long established Office Policies to take account of the new reality. All of this places a burden of responsibility on each and every one of us to KEEP THE WHOLE TEAM SAFE!

This re–induction document outlines these changes and how they affect us all. It forms part of a suite of information that can be found on the “Staff Only” section of the Church of Ireland website www.ireland.anglican.org/TheReturn and provides the necessary guidance and tools to help you transition into the new reality and comprises various documents including policies, the RCB’s COVID–19 Response Plan and miscellaneous forms, videos, and live links to government websites and other useful information.

The following information outlines what is contained in the re–induction document which should be read in its entirety and can be found here.

RCB COVID–19 Return to Work Safely Protocols


The following information outlines what is contained in the re–induction document which should be read in its entirety and can be found here.

What YOU Must Do
It is a requirement of the RETURN to WORK SAFELY Protocol to confirm in writing to your Senior Manager/Head of Department that you have read or viewed all of the information below. You must also complete and sign the Return to Work form to confirm that you do not have or have not been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID–19 in the last 14 days, and return it to your Senior Manager/Head of Department 3 days prior to returning to Church of Ireland House/the Library.

What WE ARE Collectively Doing to Minimise the Risk of Exposure
The RCB in conjunction with the COVID–19 Coordination Group have used the Hierarchy of Controls concept to put controls in place for the health and safety of everyone and these are most effective when used in a combination. These measures are under constant review and will revised as required to be in accordance with government guidelines and advice, and in accordance with the RCB COVID–19 Transition Strategy.

Signs & Symptoms of Covid–19
SYMPTOMS of COVID–19 – Infection with the virus that causes COVID–19 can cause illness, ranging from mild to severe, and, in some cases, can be fatal. Symptoms can be similar to that of a cold or flu.

Common symptoms of COVID–19 include:

  • A fever (high temperature – 38 degrees Celsius or above).
  • A cough – this can be any kind of cough, not just dry.
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties.
  • Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.

Some people infected with the virus, so–called asymptomatic cases, have experienced no symptoms at all.

To help minimise the risk of the spread of COVID–19, each staff member has been provided with a personal supply of disposable masks and gloves, hand sanitising gel and tissues.

At Risk Groups
COVID–19 does not discriminate as to who it affects. However, if infected there are two groups of people in the community who are at greater risk of having severe symptoms and/or serious side–affects or complications, even death, as a result of being infected with COVID–19. These two groups are categorised as being Very High Risk (extremely vulnerable) who need to cocoon, and those who are High Risk.

If a staff member considers that they fall into one of the above groups, please contact your Senior Manager/Head of Department in confidence so that arrangements can be made to make accommodations for your work if necessary.

What to do if someone develops COVID–19 symptoms at work
If you develop any of the above symptoms whilst in the office you should:

Phone your SM/HOD or, if they are not in the office, phone reception and ask them to inform the Duty COVID Manager

If you have not travelled to work by public transport, and you feel it is safe to do so, you should put on a face covering and return home immediately. Once you reach home you should contact your GP for medical advice.

If you have travelled to work by public transport, or if you do not feel well enough to return home on your own, you should put on a face covering and go immediately to the isolation room. Once there you should contact the COVID Duty Manager to discuss arrangements to get you home or to a hospital, as appropriate. You should contact your GP for medical advice as soon as you get home.

NOTE: Under no circumstances should you use public transport to get home if you suspect you may be displaying COVID symptoms.

Staying at Home if Sick or Having Symptoms & Your Entitlements
If a staff member is absent from Church of Ireland House/the Library due to confirmed or suspected exposure to COVID–19 they must not return to the office until they have received medical advice that it is safe for them to do so. The RCB reserves the right to ask for a medical certificate in such cases. The usual sick leave entitlements will apply in such cases. Unless the staff member is actually ill, absence from the office for these reasons is not considered sick leave as the person will be expected to work from home wherever possible.

Hand Hygiene
The WHY – Cleaning and washing your hands helps you to avoid and helps in the prevention of the spread of colds and flu, as well as that of COVID–19.

The HOW – Use soap and water or alcohol hand sanitiser to clean your hands regularly. Before you proceed to your desk, on arrival at Church House/the Library

**If you have dry skin or a skin condition, apply moisturiser after washing your hands and at night. **

Videos – How to Properly Wash your Hands

Please click here to view these videos in the ‘Videos’ section

Social Distancing & Respiratory Etiquette
PHYSICAL or SOCIAL DISTANCING – Social distancing is important to help slow the spread of coronavirus. It does this by minimising contact between potentially infected individuals and healthy individuals. The current recommended distance to be maintained between people to minimise risk of transmission is 2 metres.

RESPIRATORY ETIQUETTE – Cough and sneeze etiquette relates to precautions taken to reduce the spread of virus via droplets produced during coughing and sneezing. Everyone should be encouraged to practice good cough and sneeze etiquette, which includes coughing or sneezing into the elbow or a tissue, disposing of the tissue and then cleansing the hands.

Video – Respiratory Etiquette

Please click here to view this video in the ‘Videos’ section

Face Coverings
Employees and visitors are asked to wear face coverings in all public areas of the buildings (e.g. reception, corridors, hallways, stairs, meeting rooms, reading rooms, strongrooms and toilets) and every member of staff has been provided with a supply of disposable masks/face coverings. Visors can also be supplied if you have been advised that a face covering is not suitable for you although they are not as effective at minimising the spread of the virus.

Advice on the safe use of face coverings can be found at:
Or can be viewed by clicking here to see in the ‘Videos’ section:

Committee Members & Visitors
For the purpose of this document the term “visitor” refers to anyone who is not a direct employee of the RCB or does not have a permanent workstation in the either Church of Ireland House or Library. It includes all members of the clergy, committee members or other volunteers. All visitors are requested to comply with the RCB COVID–19 Committee Member & Visitor Policy. To view click here.
Meetings (including Committee Meetings) at Church of Ireland House
All meetings should be conducted via video or teleconferencing wherever possible. If a face–to–face meeting is absolutely necessary they should be conducted at a social distance and comply with the maximum number of participants (including staff) permitted for the particular room – see below for details – in adherence with the RCB COVID–19 Committee Member & Visitor Policy.

  • Boardroom 1 – 8 – 15 people (depending on room configuration)
  • Boardroom 2 – 6 people
  • Boardroom 3 – 4 people
  • Meeting Room – OUT OF BOUNDS (COVID–19 Isolation Room)

Worker Representatives

  • Dr Catherine Smith (Church of Ireland House)
  • Robert Gallagher (RCB Library)
  • Peter Cheney (Belfast Office)

Raising Concerns
If you have a concern about anything COVID–19 related, you may raise it with your Lead Worker Representative, and/or either of the Chief Officer, David Ritchie, or the HR Manager Eddie Hallissey.

A detailed cleaning routine has been drawn up and includes frequently touched surfaces which are cleaned at least twice a day:

Travel & Transport
When travelling to work please avoid the use of public transport wherever possible. If you must use public transport please remember that the use of face coverings on all public transport has been mandatory since 13th July 2020. If you need to travel for work anywhere on the island of Ireland, you should not share a car. No work travel outside the island of Ireland should take place without the Chief Officer’s approval.

Mental Health
Staff are encouraged to discuss any concerns with their Senior Manager/Head of Department or with the HR Manager.

Work Practice Changes
As per government guidelines, staff who can work remotely should do so, but for those whose job prevents them from doing this or who have been requested by their manager to work from Church of Ireland House /Library, should be aware of the following changes in addition those changes already mentioned in the Introduction.

  • The maximum number of staff who can be safely accommodated in the workplace has been significantly reduced.
  • A weekly schedule, setting out who will be permitted to work from the office is being coordinated through the COVID–19 Coordination Group.
  • A restricted canteen service will be available and staggered lunch breaks may apply.
  • Additional responsibilities for staff apply to try and prevent the transmission of COVID–19 in the office.

While we are working from home, communication to all staff will be maintained through the following channels –

  • Weekly email communication from Chief Officer with link to Staff Only Section on Church of Ireland website.
  • Bi–weekly staff briefings as part of introduction to bi–weekly TEDTalks
  • Communication from your Senior Manager/Head of Department.
  • Emergency Text System.
  • Periodic all–staff Zoom meetings.

Canteen – Church of Ireland House
The canteen layout has been changed to accommodate social distancing and a one–way system has been introduced – in through the double doors from the Reception foyer and out by the door leading to the side of Reception


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