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Christian Unity and Dialogue

The 25th Anniversary of the Porvoo Communion: Portrait, Unity and Vulnerability

The Primates and Presiding Bishops of the Porvoo Communion, which unites the Anglican Churches in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Iberian Peninsula and Lutheran Churches in Nordic countries, the Baltic, and Great Britain, met in Tampere, Finland, to mark the 25th anniversary of the communion.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

Porvoo Communion celebrates 25th anniversary

After a number of years meeting on–line exclusively, the Porvoo Contact Group met in person on its first of three days in Tampere, Finland on Tuesday (October 11 2022). Later it was joined by the Primates of the Porvoo Communion and will continue meeting until October 13.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

Pauline Webb Ecumenical Fund open for applications

Closing date: Friday, 1st July 2022

Through the Pauline Webb Fund, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) awards grants to support women’s participation in ecumenical work.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

Resources for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022

‘We Saw His Star in the East’

The Christians of the Middle East are offering the resources for the 2022 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, traditionally observed from 18th to 25th January. In doing so, these fellow followers of Jesus are conscious that the world shares many of the travails and much of the difficulties experienced by the region, and yearns for a light to lead the way to the Saviour who is the light that overcomes darkness.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

Porvoo Prayer Diary for 2022 now available

The Prayer Diary for the Porvoo Communion, which brings together Anglican and Lutheran Churches in Europe, is now available.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

Safe, humane and dignified treatment sought for refugees and people seeking asylum

With the support of the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue, we draw this statement to the attention of all sections of the Church of Ireland and the wider Church on the island of Ireland, in the prayerful hope that the voices of those concerned with the present plight of refugees in these islands will be heard prayerfully and in the hope of compassionate responses.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

The Anglican Centre in Rome

A Q&A with Bishop Michael Burrows

The Rt Revd Michael Burrows, Bishop of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory, has been involved with the Anglican Centre in Rome for many years and is now the Chair of its International Board. Here, he explains some of the work of the Centre and the significant role the Church of Ireland plays in it.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

World Refugee Day: Call to commemorate lives of migrants and refugees lost in the Mediterranean

The Conference of European Churches (CEC) together with the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) is inviting churches to commemorate the lives of thousands of migrants and refugees who have lost their lives in the Mediterranean, seeking safety on their way to Europe.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

Young people encouraged to share their thoughts on inter–faith dialogue

Essay competition from the World Council of Churches

The Interfaith Working Group of the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue is encouraging young people from the Church of Ireland to consider taking part.

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Christian Unity and Dialogue

Porvoo Prayer Diary for 2021 now available

The Porvoo Declaration commits the Churches which have signed it ‘to share a common life’ and ‘to pray for and with one another’. An important way of doing this is to pray through the year for the Porvoo Churches and their dioceses.

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