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Church of Ireland Notes from ‘The Irish Times’

Spring Issue of Search

The Spring issue of the Church of Ireland journal, Search, will appear shortly. For this issue the editor, Canon Virginia Kennerley, has taken a break – after fifteen years of continuous editing a short sabbatical is more than warranted. And so this issue has been edited by the Revd Dr Robin Stockitt, a Tubingen trained theologian, who, until his retirement in 2021, was Rector of Donagheady in the Diocese of Derry.

Inspired through reading a book entitled ‘The SaltPath’, which tells the story of a couple who lost everything and chose to walk the South West Coastal Path through Devon and Cornwall. this edition of Search is a collection of musings on this theme. Andrea Campanale describes how her path of faith has led her towards those communities often found well outside the boundaries of the established church. Shannon Parrott describes the inner journey that we all make, accompanied by the Psalmist and Carola von Wrangel speaks of her journey out of one theological paradigm into another more grace–filled one. Bishop Harold Miller shares his observations and insights gained from a recent trip to Leipzig, while Dr Paddy McGlinchey, from CITI,  outlines a hopeful route towards a rapprochement between Catholics and Evangelicals. With the help of the Revd Criostor MacBruithin, we follow the journeys that Abram made, whilst the Revd Leonard Madden speaks of the power of journeying together. Finally, Canon Paul Hoey depicts his journey towards Santiago de Compostela. Each contributor has taken the metaphor of Journey and demonstrated its rich potential for contributing to our appreciation and understanding of our shared life of faith.

The Trustees of the Church of St John the Evangelist, Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4, are pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Robert Jones to the role of Chaplain, following the recent retirement of the Revd Dr Paul Barlow. The new Chaplain will be introduced at St John’s by the Archbishop of Dublin, on Monday evening at 7.00pm.  Fr Robert will celebrate his first Eucharist at St John’s, with imposition of ashes, on Ash Wednesday at 7pm.

The Dean of Limerick, the Very Revd Niall Sloane, has announced that two people will be the recipients of the 2022 Limerick Cathedral Community Awards Scheme. The recipients are Ms Suzanne Pass and Ms Helen Flanagan. The two individuals are being presented with the award for their service to the city and its people. The Awards Scheme, which was established in 2018, hopes to highlight the ‘unsung heroes’ of Limerick and will awarded by the Mayor of Limerick in the Cathedral on tomorrow (Sunday) at 7pm.

The Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal for World Aid and Development has launched a call for donations to help the people of Turkey and Syria following the recent earthquake.. Bishops’ Appeal has immediately released €10,000 from its reserves to Christian Aid for its work in the area, and is encouraging parishes to contribute to this appeal in support of Christian Aid over the coming Sundays. 

Christian Aid has a track record of working together with local partners in north–west Syria since 2012.  The agency and its partners are already providing winter kits to people seeking shelter in the region, where over four million people are in need of aid due to the civil war.  They will scale this work up to meet the immediate humanitarian needs of those affected by the earthquake.

Donations can be made, in euro or in sterling, as an online donation at www.bishopsappeal.ireland.anglican.org/give

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