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Irish Times Notes

Church of Ireland Notes from ‘The Irish Times’

Vocation Sunday
Tomorrow (Sunday) has been designated as Vocation Sunday and the Commission on Ministry is encouraging clergy and lay readers across the Church of Ireland to set aside some time in their services to consider the call of God in our lives.  This can provide an opportunity for parishioners to think about their next step forward into a particular form of ministry.

For a six–minute slot in the service, parishes may wish to show It’s Your Call – a commissioned video which features interviews with a range of Church of Ireland clergy about their ordained ministry in different parts of Ireland.  The video is available to share or download from the following links:

It’s Your Call from Church of Ireland on Vimeo.


A range of resources for promoting vocations and ministry is available – at vocations.ireland.anglican.org – including articles on pathways to ordination, lay ministry, Pioneer Ministry, and understanding selection, and five posters for parishes to encourage people to think about the role to which God may be calling them. 

Vocation Sunday is an annual initiative from the Commission on Ministry for the Sunday between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost; but parishes are welcome to choose another date at their discretion if this would be more convenient.  Anyone with an interest in exploring a vocation to ordained ministry is encouraged to speak with their rector in the first instance.

From Monday until Thursday the Archbishop of Dublin will attend Majma (Synod) of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem at the invitation of Archbishop Hosam Naoum.

On Thursday the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Kieran McCarthy, will accord Dr Paul Colton  the honour of a Civic Reception at Cork City Hall to mark the Bishop’s 25th anniversary as Bishop of Cork.

Summer Music at Sandford 2024 continues in Sandford parish chich, Ranelagh ,on Friday at 1.10 pm with a piano recital by Luke Lally Maguire. At 8pm the Archbishop of Dublin will conduct Service of the Introduction of the Revd Steve Brunn as Priest–in–charge– in Christ Church with Mariners, Dun Laoghaire. Mr Brunn has been Church of Ireland Chaplain in Trinity College, Dublin, since 2016.

‘Dialogue of Friendship: Countering Voices of Enmity’ on Saturday, 25th May 2024, at Wesley House, Ranelagh, Dublin, Is a one day conference and networking event, highlighting stories of interfaith and intercultural friendship and collaboration, and encouraging faith communities to engage with the Places of Sanctuary Ireland network. The conference is a collaboration between the Church of Ireland Interfaith Working Group and the Sanctuary in Faith Stream of Places of Sanctuary Ireland.

The keynote speaker will be the Revd Bonnie Evans–Hills, a priest in the Scottish Episcopal Church who has  worked with organisations such as the EU Commission on Foreign Affairs & Security, the World Council of Churches, Churches Together in Britain & Ireland, the Anglican Communion, and the Anglican Mission organisation USPG (United Society for Partners in the Gospel). She was recently awarded the Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The programme will begin at 11.00 am sharp and will conclude at 16.00. Lunch will be included, prepared by ‘Cooking for Freedom’, a group of residents from direct provision centres around Dublin, who gather for cooking and conversation in community kitchen spaces, including in Wesley House.

This event is free of charge, but places are limited! Booking deadline is Friday, 17 May. 

The Interfaith Working Group has recently produces a new edition of Guidelines for Inter Faith Events and Dialogue which was first published by Church of Ireland Publishing in 2007.

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