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Church of Ireland Notes from ‘The Irish Times’

CIHS Meeting

The next meeting of the Church of Ireland Historical Society will be held in the Henry Roe Room of Christ Church cathedral, Dublin, on Saturday 24 February 2024 beginning at 10.30am with registration.

In the morning session, at 11am, Dr David O’Shea, author of the recently publishes The Choral Foundation of the Chapel Royal, Dublin Castle, will discuss ‘Music and Ritualism in the Victorian Church of Ireland’, followed at 12 noon by Dr Dagmar Ó Riain–Raedel, who will speak on ‘From the Rhine to the Liffey: the beginnings of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin’. In the afternoon session, which will begin at 2pm , Professor Thomas Mohr, from the UCD School of Law, will discuss ‘The Southern Protestant Media and the Birth of the Irish State in 1922’. The day will conclude with a paper by Dr David Jameson on The Tilson Case: “Dreary domestic dispute” or “The most serious development in Eire for a very long time”?

Attendance is free to all paid–up members. Non–members can purchase a one–day membership for €10/£10. The annual subscription is fixed at €40/£40 (student rate £15/€15). This includes admission to the  bi–annual conferences, book discounts, and exclusive access to the Society’s recordings of papers delivered at previous conferences.

Tomorrow (Sunday) at 12:45pm, Natalia Jaworek and Kalle Peura will perform Grieg’s First Piano Sonata in St Ann’s church, Dublin .where on Thursday at 1.20pm Andrew Sheeran and Billy O’Brien (violin and piano) will play Bach, Beethoven and Davidson. At 3pm tomorrow (Sunday) the Archbishop of Dublin will conduct a service of re–dedication of work completed in St. Matthew’s church, Irishtown.

The third in the series of lunchtime lecture on ‘Of the Cloth’ will be given in Christ Church cathedral, Dublin, at 1.10pm on Tuesday. The Dean of Limerick, the Very Revd Niall Sloane, who will talk about post–Reformation clerical garb. In St Mary’s cathedral, Limerick, at 1.15pm there will be a recital by Nuria Vizcaino (cello), Marianne Brandstettner (violin) and Eleanor Chapman (viola) who will play music by Schubert, Parry, Berger and Beethoven.

Kildare & Newbridge Union of parishes, the Kildare Centre of Mission, and the Church’s Ministry of Healing Ireland are collaborating in facilitating a series called Mid–Week Mindfulness in Lent: Resting in the Presence of God. This  takes place in St Brigid’s cathedral, Kildare, on Wednesdays, from 21 February until 20 March, from 7.30pm – 8.45pm. All are welcome to join this Lenten pause and cultivate practices of resting in the Presence of God. Through scripture and contemplative prayer, the series will reflect on how we can allow God to bring rest to our hearts, minds, bodies, souls and relationships.

Article 17 of the Treaty of Lisbon guarantees that the EU will engage in regular and meaningful dialogue with the Churches and in fulfilment of this undertaking the European Parliament organised a seminar to raise awareness  of the challenges posed by ‘ misinformation and foreign interference’   in the June European elections. This event took place in Brussels on 13 February and Canon Kenneth Milne represented the Church of Ireland Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue. Addressing the assembly,  the Vice–President of the Parliament with responsibility for implementing Article 17 referred to its work in preparing  the European electorate  of 370 million (many  whom will be voting for the first time) but he emphasised that if the dangers posed by the dissemination of misinformation and  by foreign interference that were anticipated  were to be effectually met then the active local co–operation of the Churches was essential.

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