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Stop protests against our neighbours and build society on respect

Stop protests against our neighbours and build society on respect

A statement from Bishop George Davison and Bishop David McClay:

“It has been distressing to witness the scenes of intimidation and violence that have taken place on the streets of Belfast in recent days. Our fellow citizens, valued members of our communities, have been left without businesses, without jobs, feeling afraid and unable to go about their everyday lives. 

“As Christian leaders, it is even more upsetting to hear some of those involved in these protests say that they do so out of a sense of seeking to defend our Christian society and way of life. We unequivocally reject that claim. Intimidation, threats and actions which create fear have no part in the gospel of Jesus Christ or of those who claim to be his disciples. 

“As it appears that further protests are being planned, to those who are tempted to join in we say: ‘Please stop! Think about what your actions are doing to your community, to our reputation as a welcoming society, and also what the consequences might be for children and young people who are caught up in them.’

“Jesus said: ‘In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.’ (Matthew 7:12) If we truly wish to build a society which espouses Christian values and which is at peace with itself, let us treat every person with the same care and respect that we would want to be shown to us and to our loved ones. 

“As disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to a largeness of heart and vision for Northern Ireland, inspired by an immovable commitment to respect the dignity of every individual created in the image and likeness of God, not least those who have come from other countries, often as refugees, and who wish to make our home their home too.

“Our thoughts, support and prayers are with all those who feel vulnerable or fearful today and for the leaders and members of the PSNI who have the difficult job of policing protests and protecting all of our citizens.”

Church of Ireland Press Office

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