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Representatives from all the parishes in the Diocese of Clogher met on the evening of Thursday 4th October to say farewell to Rt. Rev. Brian Hannon on the eve of his retirement. Clergy and people gathered in the Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen to celebrate and remember the fifteen years of Bishop Hannon's oversight.

Precentor Brian Courtney, rector of Enniskillen, welcomed those assembled and opened the meeting with a Bible reading and prayer. Revds. Trevor Gillian (Colebrooke), Kyle Hanlon (Dromore) and Paul Hoey (Ballinamallard) each played some musical items ranging from the humorous to the devotional. Canon Hoey enlisted the help of some singers from his parish to lead everyone in the singing of 'It were my soul's desire' - Bishop Hannon's favourite hymn.

Following this informal part of the evening, Bishop Hannon, his wife Maeve, with Archdeacon Cecil Pringle, Dean Thomas Moore, Precentor Courtney, Chancellor Victor Mc Keon and their wives took to the stage for the official presentations. The Archdeacon commended Mrs. Hannon for preserving her own identity in the diocese,  with her interest in the Mothers' Union and Girls' Friendly Society. Gifts were presented to Mrs. Hannon on behalf of these two organisations by Mrs. Gladys Nixon (GFS) and Mrs. Margaret Crawford (MU Diocesan President).

Archdeacon Pringle paid tribute to Bishop Hannon, recalling his ministry in Derry Diocese where he ministered within the city of Londonderry during much of  'the Troubles' (1969-82), before coming to Clogher diocese as rector of the Cathedral Parish of Enniskillen. Since becoming bishop in 1986, he had helped the diocese grow as a family with his open, confident faith, and had also broadened the horizons of all ages with his emphasis upon overseas mission experience.

Gifts were presented to Bishop Hannon on behalf of the clergy and people of the diocese by Chancellor McKeon and Dean Moore. Amongst them were a new settee, carefully chosen for the Bishop's retirement home, and a barometer, with indications of 'change', as the Bishop remarked.

Bishop Hannon thanked all those who had contributed to this evening, whether with their musical talents, or by their generous gifts to him and his wife. He commented that the diocese often feels like a large parish, with good relationships and a sense of family amongst the parishioners. In addition to thanking various personnel, both parochial and diocesan, for their support over the years, he mentioned his personal secretary, Mrs. Heather Robinson for her administrative help and service.

The Bishop's final word of thanks went to his wife, Maeve, for her support, solidarity and independence in the difficult role of 'Bishop's wife'. In retirement, he added, they were looking forward to more time together with their family, and being able to spend extended periods with their grandchildren. The Bishop closed with the sentiment 'May Clogher flourish!'

The presentation was followed by supper, provided by Enniskillen parish. Bishop Hannon officially retires on Friday 5th October, his sixty-fifth birthday. The Ven. Cecil Pringle, Archdeacon of Clogher, has been appointed Archbishop's Commissary during the time of episcopal vacancy.

Further information from:

The Rectory
Co. Fermanagh
BT93 4AE

Tel: 028 6858 8372
Clogher Diocesan Communications Officer

DCO: The Revd Bryan Kerr

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