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Bishops' Appeal Committee

Bishops’ Appeal: Your giving has made a difference

Aida collects water from a Tearfund-supported project in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.
Aida collects water from a Tearfund-supported project in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.

The latest newsletter from Bishops’ Appeal highlights how donations from members of the Church of Ireland are helping vulnerable people, and their communities, to survive during the current pandemic.

Read about projects being supported around the world and the difference that they make – in Northern Argentina, Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, Zambia, South Sudan, and East Africa.

To support these efforts, you can donate to the Bishops’ Appeal, selecting our Covid-19 emergency appeal or donating to our General Funds. One gives relief in times of crisis, the other builds resilience to help withstand crisis.

Contact Details

Bishops’ Appeal is the Church of Ireland’s World Aid and Development Programme. It was set up by the Bishops of the Church in 1972 in response to the commands in the Bible to bring good news to the poor and relief to the suffering.

A registered charity in the Republic of Ireland (20019068) and in Northern Ireland (101325).

Hilary McClay

Education Advisor


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