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  • Legals

    Website Privacy NoticeYour privacy matters to us and central to our workings is our commitment that we are transparent about the personal data that we collect about you, how it is used and with whom it is shared.  This privacy notice applies when you use our website or any…

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  • Sunday & Weekday Lectionary (PDF)

    Advent Sunday 2023 – Eve of Advent Sunday 2024 Download 2024 readings as a PDF To purchase a printed copy of this resource, please visit our eCommerce website, www.store.ireland.anglican.org

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  • PRISM – Parish Education Series

    This is  a resource is available that is tailor–made to the needs of parishioners in the Church of Ireland.  At General Synod in May 2008 ‘Celebrating Communion‘ was launched. This a parish–based adult religious education programme runs over 6 sessions and can…

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  • Published Resources

    To Complement the Book of Common Prayer 2004 As We Believe So We Pray – A Book of Daily PrayerAuthor: Brian Mayne As We Believe So We Pray: A Book of Daily Prayer contains convenient, compact and constructive ways of praying in harmony with the church. Forms…

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  • Exciting Holiness

    “Exciting Holiness” (first edition) contains information on public worship, private devotion, and connecting us with our spiritual heritage. This work offers a resource for Eucharistic worship on all festivals and feast days. It provides prayers and Scripture readings for each day of the calendars of…

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  • Disestablishment in context

    What is an established church? An established church is the church that is recognised as the state church. The idea of state control did not just begin at the Reformation. It went back to the Middle Ages, for example when the English king claimed to have been sent by the Pope to…

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  • Making Moral Decisions

    How should I live? What principles should I live by? How can I make sense of a dilemma that I face? Many thinkers and philosophers down the ages have offered a variety of answers to such questions, and Christians have…

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  • Psalms Online

    The Psalms appointed in the Prayer Book Lectionary for the Principal Service, Sunday by Sunday, coupled with an appropriate Anglican chant, may be downloaded and printed from the Church Music Dublin website.  

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  • Ecumenism

    Unity – Local and Global The Church of Ireland, as part of the universal Church, is committed to ecumenism and the pursuit of Christian unity. In common with many other Christian Churches, the Church of Ireland includes a creed in its liturgy. In…

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  • Training and Resources

    The Church of Ireland, through the Liturgical Advisory Committee, and various Diocesan initiatives have provided a series of schemes to encourage training, development and the growth of church worship. Below you will find links to various resources which we hope will enhance the worship in your local church. Diocesan Training…

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