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Daily Prayer

Collects & Readings

The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

18th July 2010

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Year C  /  Ordinary time  /  Green

For services, please see Daily Prayer (Morning), Daily Prayer (Evening) and Holy Communion.

Principal Service

Collect One

Saving God,
in Jesus Christ you opened for us
a new and living way into your presence:
give us pure hearts and constant wills
to worship you in spirit and in truth;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Collect Two

Lord of all power and might,
the author and giver of all good things:
Graft in our hearts the love of your name,
increase in us true religion,
nourish us with all goodness,
and of your great mercy keep us in the same;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The First Reading

Amos 8: 1–12

Genesis 18: 1–10a

The Psalm

Psalm 52

Psalm 15

The Second Reading

Colossians 1: 15–28

Colossians 1: 15–28

The Gospel Reading

Luke 10: 38–42

Luke 10: 38–42

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Post Communion Prayer

Lord God,
whose Son is the true vine and the source of life,
ever giving himself that the world may live:
May we so receive within ourselves
the power of his death and passion
that, in his saving cup,
we may share his glory and be made perfect in his love;
for he is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.

Suggested Hymns

(c) 1st Reading Amos 8: 1–12
486* People of God, arise

(c) Psalm Psalm 52
365* Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the King of creation

(p) 1st Reading Genesis 18: 1–10a
545* Sing of Eve and sing of Adam
323* The God of Abraham praise

(p) Psalm Psalm 15 [Ep4A/Pr17B*/5–14]
631* God be in my head

2nd Reading Colossians 1: 15–28
643* Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
611* Christ be beside me
220* Glory be to Jesus
268* Hail, thou once–despisèd Jesus
160* [Hark! the herald–angels sing]
421* I come with joy, a child of God
616 In my life, Lord, be glorified
94* In the name of Jesus
431* Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
29* Lord of beauty, thine the splendour
303* Lord of the Church, we pray for our renewing
7* My God, how wonderful thou art
232 Nature with open volume stands
103* O Christ the same, through all our story’s pages
33* O Lord of every shining constellation
306* O Spirit of the living God
675 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?

The Gospel Luke 10: 38–42
268* Hail, thou once–despisèd Jesus
596* Seek ye first the kingdom of God
603* When we walk with the Lord

Second Service

Collect One

Saving God,
in Jesus Christ you opened for us
a new and living way into your presence:
give us pure hearts and constant wills
to worship you in spirit and in truth;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Collect Two

Lord of all power and might,
the author and giver of all good things:
Graft in our hearts the love of your name,
increase in us true religion,
nourish us with all goodness,
and of your great mercy keep us in the same;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The First Reading

Genesis 41: 1–16, 25–37

Genesis 41: 1–16, 25–37

The Psalm

Psalm 81

Psalm 81

The Second Reading

1 Corinthians 4: 8–13

1 Corinthians 4: 8–13

The Gospel Reading

John 4: 31–35

John 4: 31–35

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Post Communion Prayer

Lord God,
whose Son is the true vine and the source of life,
ever giving himself that the world may live:
May we so receive within ourselves
the power of his death and passion
that, in his saving cup,
we may share his glory and be made perfect in his love;
for he is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.


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