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Daily Prayer

Collects & Readings

The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

4th August 2013

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Year C  /  Ordinary time  /  Green

For services, please see Daily Prayer (Morning), Daily Prayer (Evening) and Holy Communion.

Principal Service

Collect One

O God,
giver of life and health,
whose Son Jesus Christ has called us
to hunger and thirst for justice;
refresh us with your grace,
that we may not be weary in well-doing,
for the sake of him who meets all our needs,
Jesus Christ our Saviour;
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Collect Two

Let your merciful ears, O Lord,
be open to the prayers of your humble servants;
and that they may obtain their petitions,
make them to ask such things as shall please you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The First Reading

Hosea 11: 1–11

Ecclesiastes 1: 2, 12–14, 2: 18–23

The Psalm

Psalm 107: 1–9, 43

Psalm 49: 1–12

The Second Reading

Colossians 3: 1–11

Colossians 3: 1–11

The Gospel Reading

Luke 12: 13–21

Luke 12: 13–21

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Post Communion Prayer

O God,
as we are strengthened by these holy mysteries,
so may our lives be a continual offering,
holy and acceptable in your sight;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Suggested Hymns

(c) 1st Reading Hosea 11: 1–11
518* Bind us together, Lord
3 God is love: let heaven adore him
569* Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
211* Immortal love for ever full
7* My God, how wonderful thou art
231* My song is love unknown

(c) Psalm Psalm 107: 1–9, 43
683* All people that on earth do dwell
353* Give to our God immortal praise
30* Let us, with a gladsome mind
484* Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim
361* Now thank we all our God
45* Praise, O praise our God and King
372* Through all the changing scenes of life
374* When all thy mercies, O my God

(p) 1st Reading Ecclesiastes 1: 2, 12–14; 2: 18–23
563* Commit your ways to God

(p) Psalm Psalm 49: 1–12
10* All my hope on God is founded
319* Father, of heaven, whose love profound
533* God of grace and God of glory

2nd Reading Colossians 3: 1–11
260* Christ is alive! Let Christians sing
501 Christ is the world’s true light
566* Fight the good fight with all thy might
496* For the healing of the nations
268* Hail thou once–despisèd Jesus
522* In Christ there is no east or west
272* [Jesus lives! thy terrors now]
427* Let all mortal flesh keep silence
392 Now is eternal life
287* [The whole bright world rejoices now]

The Gospel Luke 12: 13–21
10* All my hope on God is founded
647* Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
533* God of grace and God of glory
95* Jesu, priceless treasure
196* O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness

Second Service

Collect One

O God,
giver of life and health,
whose Son Jesus Christ has called us
to hunger and thirst for justice;
refresh us with your grace,
that we may not be weary in well-doing,
for the sake of him who meets all our needs,
Jesus Christ our Saviour;
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Collect Two

Let your merciful ears, O Lord,
be open to the prayers of your humble servants;
and that they may obtain their petitions,
make them to ask such things as shall please you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The First Reading

Genesis 50: 4–26

Genesis 50: 4–26

The Psalm

Psalm 107: 1–32

Psalm 107: 1–16

The Second Reading

1 Corinthians 14: 1–19

1 Corinthians 14: 1–19

The Gospel Reading

Mark 6: 45–52

Mark 6: 45–52

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Post Communion Prayer

O God,
as we are strengthened by these holy mysteries,
so may our lives be a continual offering,
holy and acceptable in your sight;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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